Artshow "Ping Pong" by Galerie für Moderne Fotografie Berlin

PING PONG was the title of LOTTERMANN AND FUENTES’ third exhibition, their first one in L.A. at the BOLD space.

Originally from Frankfurt, Germany, the two photographers regulary work together as a team. Double trouble.

For this project LOTTERMANN AND FUENTES sent e-mails to photographers they admire -- friends, acquaintances, and strangers -- each with one of their specially selected photos. The colleagues on their part were asked to respond with a picture, be it newly taken or chosen from their existing body of work. The resulting dialogues are lighthearted, touching, and often downright hilarious. What connects every pair of images is often the overall composition or a detail - like a color or a shape. Sometimes they relate in a rather methaphorical, and sometimes in a very literal manner. Blue and blue, two and two, Frau and Sau. PING PONG is about what is the core of photography: wordless communication.

Read more here.